some People ask, “hoW *W.E.B.U.B.U.~ sTarted” {?] and others nOt so much__ perhaps thiS was put -together to ¡HELP! explain_
wh y,,



TRIO + _____
A first encounter with BO RAYZZ in the desert was such a special time. In this very location, with many different emotions, BO RAYZZ explained hopes of finding a place where others would be accepted for who or what they are. Unsureness of how some find this so queer. And so, this captured image displays an expression of a so-called freedom. Some of the pronouns for BO RAYZZ include they/them/theirs—NOT these or those or it or its.
"I only came here seeking hope," Juanito X remarked. Apparently, things were real bad where he was. Survival doesn't seem like such a bad reason to flee, I mean, does it? Now, he's trying to figure out how to fit in this strange place where everyone looks at him all weird. "An alien I am not," he insisted recently. Updating his image was a strategy employed to increase acceptance. And so, he changed the 'o' at the end of his name to an 'x'. Juanitx! And then Juanito X. He thought that kinda sounded badass, even though he also knew it was a dumb thing the gringos invented. ¡Que se vayan a la chingada!
Oh, brilliant and gifted and lovely and very-very magnificent KWeen KWanda! How far you've come: from absolute royalty to this place... Dang. Nowhere near where you thought you'd be right about now, am i right? It just ain't been none too easy so far. Keep on with that whole "rising up" thing, our KWeen!