

Autumn’s Blustery Vibrance

My trusty canine sidekick, Chibú, and I took a little hike down by the Mississippi on the Winchell Trail, which is conveniently located about a mile from our residence. She’s awfully patient for a puppy when I stop with the camera, and believe it or not, she actually leads me to many exceptional shots. Anyway, the wind was up around 30 mph and it was tossing everything around with glee. Magnificent. The combination of those mighty currents of air and the light bouncing off the colors on the ground was a wondrous experience. Chibú gave me a yank and I found myself staring at this tree. The odd hole in the middle and the leaves of a maple sapling next to it were entrancing. I had to take at least 30 or 40 shots to get one that worked nicely. Of course, that’s what you see here.

By the way, you can also own a print or give one as a gift by going to my Etsy shop:

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Tacos + Color = Energy

Taco Truck aqua and yellow.jpg

On a quiet Monday morning, I spied a food truck down the block from me, and was stunned by the colors. The cool aqua meets lemon yellow meets candy red was really a sight. However, after seeing it in the editing stage, I felt like it was somehow lacking energy. The subtle second layers to the trucks in back and my star in front brought it alive. This truck is now ready to go! (And yes, if you would like to own your own print, it’s also ready to go on Etsy:

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Swingset of Sisga

Miguel Swinging Colombia FINAL SMALL.jpg

I’m still working my way from my ridiculously prolific time of image-making in Colombia five years ago. So many photos that I’d always hoped to work on and show. And this is one of them.

On our way to Barichara, we had stopped at a restaurant overlooking Represa del Sisga. They had swings, and naturally, our boys had to give them a whirl. The questionable construction gave me some pause, but they insisted on swinging—as high as they possibly could. Great photo op (mixed with trepidation). I found an angle that gives the appearance that Miguel is about to fly off in the clouds. It’s such an idyllic image of childhood, and brings me back to that joyful day.

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Barichara, Colombia

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I can’t believe it’s been about five years since I took this photo. Seems like I was just there. So, you’re probably wondering why post this now? It’s been too dang hot here in Minneapolis lately, which has me hiding out in the cool basement next to a fan. My dear wife hates central air... Anyway, because I’m not out shooting today, I thought I’d finally spend some time editing photos that I’ve never found time to work on. But it brings me back to another very hot day in the beautiful pueblo of Barichara. I waited at this spot in the dreadful heat for the right subject and light to hit, shooing away stray(?) dogs, when an older gentleman finally moseyed on by.

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Saarinen Peace

I was feeling down and frustrated yesterday. A myriad of first-world troubles that now seem mostly pointless. Yet there I was, having wandered into the courtyard of Saarinen’s famous Christ Church Lutheran, which is conveniently located across the street from our house. It’s a reflective place with a beautiful water feature (pictured here), and was perfectly empty and quiet then. Seeing the light dancing across the water and on the stones was uplifting and distracted me from my so-called troubles. It was a peaceful moment. Thank you, Eliel and Eero.

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Red Wing


While visiting Red Wing, Minnesota the other day, I stopped for some respite from the blistering heat. And there I found a nice little surprise in the shade. Growing from old limestone blocks of the building, I eyed lovely white flowers. Still no idea what they are. (If you do, please let me know.) Regardless, I really like the flowers’ intricate pattern against the texture of the old blocks. Up to that point, I’d been bored with the town, but these unexpected blooms gave me a new perspective.

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